NOAA Space Weather Training

This resource was developed by NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION (NOAA), and is reproduced from Education and Outreach | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center.What is space weather? Space Weather refers to variations in the space environment between...

Orbital Elements definition video clip

This University of Bristol YouTube video shows the 6 Orbital or Keplerian Elements. These elements are used to describe the position of a body in space. Each element is shown increasing in turn, using the example of a satellite orbiting the Earth. The modelling was...

Orbital Frames of Reference video

This University of Bristol YouTube video shows the difference between Earth Centered Earth Fixed and Earth Centered Inertial Reference Frames for orbit modelling. The modelling was performed at and funded by the Aerospace Engineering Department of the University of...

Princeton University Space Systems lecture slides 2016

Robert Stengel's lectures examine the design of spacecraft and launch vehicles, including the impacts of the atmosphere and the space environment on requirements and configurations. The principles and design aspects of the structure, propulsion, power, thermal,...

MIT OpenCourseWare Space Systems Engineering Undergraduate Course

Instructor(s) Prof. David Miller, Col. John Keesee lecture slides and course details for Space Systems Product Development Undergraduate Course Number 16.83X. As Taught In Spring 2002 - Spring 2003. This course walks though content to demonstrate the feasibility of an...

Space Debris 1957 – 2016 video

Resource typeVideo and Audio ClipsResource topicHistory of SpaceflightThis visualisation, created by Dr Stuart Grey, lecturer at University College London, shows how the amount of space debris has changed since the dawn of the space age.

NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program

The Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) Online Resource Guide contains links and brief descriptions of ARSET trainings from 2015-2023. Each training image links to its respective training webpage, where training materials can be accessed any time.[embeddoc...

Nibbles in Space

"Nibbles in Space" is a series of short podcasts (<< 10 min), aiming to make space more accessible. Prof Malcolm Macdonald is a professional engineer and is Chair of Applied Space Technology at the University of Strathclyde. The recordings are available for free...

The Conquest of Space: Space Exploration and Rockets MOOC

A short open course by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid describing the history of the space industry and it's impacts on society. By successfully completing this course, you will gain an understand of key events and developments of the Space Age. You will learn to...

The Evolving Universe MOOC

This MOOC by The California Institute of Technology, covers our understanding of the physical universe and its major constituents, including planetary systems, stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars, larger structures, and the universe as a whole.

Online Course: Hurricane Tracking with Satellite Data

This 5-week online course explores the key concepts of data science required to process, analyse, and interpret large datasets. You’ll use tutorials and case studies to understand the possibilities within these datasets, and learn how to interpret satellite data...

MOOC on the Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery

Each week this course covers a different aspect of Astronomical technology, matching each piece of technology to a highlight science result. It explains how the technology works, how it has allowed us to collect astronomical data, and, with some basic physics, how we...

Presentation Slides on Link Budget Calculations

Presentation slides on the theory and calculations for Link Budget in Small Sat Communications. [embeddoc url="" width="80%" height="700px" download="none"...

SSC Thermal Chamber

The SSC Thermal Chamber is a WIR12-30 model produced by Design Environmental installed in 2002. The chamber is a walk in scale. The chamber is ambient pressure using dry nitrogen and capable of transitioning between -30C to +70C.   Contact name Dr Chris Bridges...

SSC Groundstation

The SSC groundstation is used for undergraduate, postgraduate, and research projects using the equipment, computers and soldering stations. We offer any amateur satellite support where possible! Our current equipment includes: LNA - 430-440 MHz SP-7000 LNA preamp and...

SSC Vibration Test Facility

Sine sweep, Random vibrations, Shock, SRS Resonance search to simulate the launch environment on small satellites structure and their equipment. Vibration Controller m+p INTERNATIONAL™ VIBRATION CONTROLLER (Swept Sine, Random, Shock classic & SRS Resonance Search...

SSC Vacuum Chambers

The Surrey Space Centre propulsion test facilities assigned for Electric Propulsion (EP) development consist of two large vacuum chambers (Pegasus and Daedalus) and three small chambers. The “Pegasus” vacuum chamber has dimensions of 1.2 m in length by 1.2 m diameter...

UoM Hypersonic Wind Tunnel

Hypersonic blow-down free jet wind tunnel with a run time of 7sec (Mach 4, 5 and 6) and 6” diameter circular test section.   Contact name Kate Smith Contact email address Institution University of Manchester

UoM Vacuum Chamber

 130L vacuum chamber capable of ultimate pressures ~ 5E-07mbar   Contact name Kate Smith Contact email address Institution University of Manchester

KU – Propulsion Test Chamber

Kingston Rocket Lab: The ‘Rocket Lab’ within the School of Engineering and Computing at Kingston University London has a hybrid and bi-propellant rocket test facility for research into rocket engine design and can provide a range of high quality evaluation and data...

Goonhilly Ground Segment

We provide an operational S and X band tracking dish antenna, an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) / Very High Frequency (VHF) system, and a multi-mission capable facility that is dynamically reconfigurable on a pass-by-pass basis. Find out more here.   Contact name...

Space Mining webinar

The IET is hosting a free to attend webinar on space mining on 4th October. Interested students are encouraged to attend.