SSC Vacuum Chambers

The Surrey Space Centre propulsion test facilities assigned for Electric Propulsion (EP) development consist of two large vacuum chambers (Pegasus and Daedalus) and three small chambers. The “Pegasus” vacuum chamber has dimensions of 1.2 m in length by 1.2 m diameter...

UoM Hypersonic Wind Tunnel

Hypersonic blow-down free jet wind tunnel with a run time of 7sec (Mach 4, 5 and 6) and 6” diameter circular test section.   Contact name Kate Smith Contact email address Institution University of Manchester

UoM Vacuum Chamber

 130L vacuum chamber capable of ultimate pressures ~ 5E-07mbar   Contact name Kate Smith Contact email address Institution University of Manchester

KU – Propulsion Test Chamber

Kingston Rocket Lab: The ‘Rocket Lab’ within the School of Engineering and Computing at Kingston University London has a hybrid and bi-propellant rocket test facility for research into rocket engine design and can provide a range of high quality evaluation and data...

Goonhilly Ground Segment

We provide an operational S and X band tracking dish antenna, an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) / Very High Frequency (VHF) system, and a multi-mission capable facility that is dynamically reconfigurable on a pass-by-pass basis. Find out more here.   Contact name...

Mission to Mars

This is a case study at The Case Centre. Once registered on their site search for Mission to Mars (A). The description from their site "This case is set in spring 2000, several months after two successive, failed missions to the planet Mars. Students are asked to...

GEOSS/HACK Space Hackathon – European Space Agency

The European Space Agency (ESA) have run a Space Hackathon in partnership with the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). 30 participants split into 6 teams had 30 hours to create an open-source solution to 1 of 6 challenges focused around meeting the Sustainable...

Astrodynamics Mission Simulation – University of Leicester

The University of Leicester have run an Astrodynamics Mission Simulation 10-credit module over 8 weeks (2 full afternoon computer lab sessions per week) using NASA’s General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT). The module is taught using a Constructivism approach, in which...

Water Rockets – University of Bristol

Based on a suggestion by Kingston University London, who run this as a curricular competition, BristolSEDS ran a water rocket competition in October 2017 with the aim to have multiple teams competing to design and build water rockets. 5 teams of 3-4 students competed,...

Lunar Rover – The University of Surrey

The University of Surrey ‘Electronics and Amateur Radio Society’ (EARS) sent a team to compete in the UKSEDS Lunar Rover competition to design and build a rover to achieve an objective set by the organisers. This was an extra-curricular project run by students who...

AIAA CanSat project – University of Manchester

The Manchester CanSat Project was developed by a team of mainly 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate engineers. They took part in the 2017/18 AIAA & AAS CanSat competition held in Texas, USA, which they won. The team designed and built their CanSat to achieve the set...

SUN Annual Workshop 2023

4 July, 2023 - 4 July, 2023 The Space Universities Network (SUN) holds an annual half day workshop bringing together UK space industry and higher educational teaching staff. The event is made up of presentations from both sectors and networking opportunities. This...

Drop your Thesis (Land 3U)

The Drop your Thesis competition gives University students from bachelor to PhD level the opportunity to perform scientific or technological research in microgravity conditions. Students are responsible for selecting and proposing the experiment objectives, designing...

Virtual Tour of RAL Space Facilities

Explorea 360 degree view inside RAL Space's integration and test facility, where space bound hardware is developed, assembled and tested to be ready for launch.

Shock and Impact Facility

This facility is able to simulate mechanical shock events, which are transient mechanical loading with a very short duration, from 50 μs to 20ms, high frequency content, f>1 kHz, and high amplitude, occurring in different phases of space mission such as launch,...