The SSC Thermal Chamber is a WIR12-30 model produced by Design Environmental installed in 2002. The chamber is a walk in scale. The chamber is ambient pressure using dry nitrogen and capable of transitioning between -30C to +70C. Contact name Facilities Contact...
Facilities Database is the national equipment sharing portal where you can search for equipment located at a wide variety of universities across the UK.
Facilities Database entries are listed below.
SSC Groundstation
The SSC groundstation is used for undergraduate, postgraduate, and research projects using the equipment, computers and soldering stations. We offer any amateur satellite support where possible! Our current equipment includes: LNA - 430-440 MHz SP-7000 LNA preamp and...
SSC Vibration Test Facility
Sine sweep, Random vibrations, Shock, SRS Resonance search to simulate the launch environment on small satellites structure and their equipment. Vibration Controller m+p INTERNATIONAL™ VIBRATION CONTROLLER (Swept Sine, Random, Shock classic & SRS Resonance Search...
SSC Vacuum Chambers
The Surrey Space Centre propulsion test facilities assigned for Electric Propulsion (EP) development consist of two large vacuum chambers (Pegasus and Daedalus) and three small chambers. The “Pegasus” vacuum chamber has dimensions of 1.2 m in length by 1.2 m diameter...
UoM Hypersonic Wind Tunnel
Hypersonic blow-down free jet wind tunnel with a run time of 7sec (Mach 4, 5 and 6) and 6” diameter circular test section. Contact name Kate Smith Contact email address Institution University of Manchester
UoM Vacuum Chamber
130L vacuum chamber capable of ultimate pressures ~ 5E-07mbar Contact name Kate Smith Contact email address Institution University of Manchester
KU – Propulsion Test Chamber
Kingston Rocket Lab: The ‘Rocket Lab’ within the School of Engineering and Computing at Kingston University London has a hybrid and bi-propellant rocket test facility for research into rocket engine design and can provide a range of high quality evaluation and data...
Goonhilly Ground Segment
We provide an operational S and X band tracking dish antenna, an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) / Very High Frequency (VHF) system, and a multi-mission capable facility that is dynamically reconfigurable on a pass-by-pass basis. Find out more here. Contact name...
Shock and Impact Facility
This facility is able to simulate mechanical shock events, which are transient mechanical loading with a very short duration, from 50 μs to 20ms, high frequency content, f>1 kHz, and high amplitude, occurring in different phases of space mission such as launch,...